
Website: J.K Rowling

When looking for a prime example of an 'interactive website', i was constantly reminded of things that were exciting, and involved alot of attention, and then i remembered the J.K. Rowling website. I used to visit this site when i was in early high school, when the Harry Potter books were all the latest rage, and i remember trying to dig up clues and secrets about whats to come in all the future books.


Why is this such a great example of Interactive Design?
  • This website was dynamic over time. New links and news will appear every few weeks, but they weren't just uploaded in a news feed. All the new gossip and exciting news about what was next in the Harry Potter series was hidden in little crooks and crannies of the website. Clues leading to this and that had to be found by the viewer/interacter to find the juicy goss they want and need
  • J.K. Rowling was also presented in a way that made a single visit to the site exciting. Spend a little over a minute on the site, and the phone will ring (and if you don't answer it it'll keep ringing!). You can turn the light off and on and chase the little spiders and moths away. Over time new items will appear on the desk.
  • It involved the viewer in a way that most websites don't. Instead of presenting all the information in a simple three column layout with a menu at the side or top, the site was just like sorting through all the messy information that normally clutters a desk. Thus, involving the viewer and creating a sense of interactivity.


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