Mar 12, 2009

Web 2.0: Showcase


delicious (formerly
Web 2.0 Type: Bookmarking/social

What is Delicious?


Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet.

Things you can do with Delicious

  • Bookmark any site on the Internet, and get to it from anywherehave a single set of bookmarks kept in sync between all of your computers.
  • If your friends use Delicious, you can send them interesting bookmarks that they can check out the next time they log in.
  • Of course, they can do the same for you.
  • As you explore the site and find interesting users, you can use our Subscriptions and Network features to keep track of the Delicious tags and users you find most interesting.
  • See what's hot with Delicious users by checking out our popular tags. By looking at popular bookmarks for a tag, you'll be able to discover the most interesting bookmarks on the topics you're most interested in.
Why is delicious such a good example of Web 2.0?

delicious is a great example of a Web 2.0 company that uses tagging, social networking and user-generated content. When bookmarking a website, users can add notes and tags to describe the site. These tags are searchable and help organize sites, making it easier for users to find the content they want based on what other users have recommended (by bookmarking). Users can also add descriptions to tags, which can help clear up what a certain tag might mean to different people. Thus, searching for content on delicious is based on collaborative filtering rather than search engine algorithms.


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